Monday, May 2, 2016

2016-2017 Meeting Dates

We would like to announce the Oasis Fellowship meeting dates for the upcoming 2016-17 academic year.  We will meet at the War Memorial Chapel from 12:10pm to 12:50pm on the 3rd Wednesday of every month starting on September 21st.
                Wednesday, September 21st at 12:10pm
                Wednesday, October 19th at 12:10pm
                Wednesday, November 16th at 12:10pm
                Wednesday, February 15th at 12:10pm
                Wednesday, March 15th at 12:10pm
                Wednesday, April 19th at 12:10pm

Saturday, April 2, 2016

April 20, 2016 Speaker – David Vance

The speaker for the April 20th meeting will be David Vance, Pastor at Redeemer Presbyterian Church in Christiansburg, VA.  Please come out and join us for friends, fellowship and worship.

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Oasis Fellowship is Back in April 2016.....

Greetings all:  The Oasis Fellowship Steering Committee would like to announce that we will have a Meeting on April 20, 2016 at 12:10pm in the War Memorial Chapel.
Also, here's a link to the August 21, 2013 WDBJ7 News Article and Video about Oasis Fellowship at Virginia Tech!

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

2015-16 Update

Dear Friends of Oasis Fellowship:

It is August and normally we would be announcing our August speaker to kick-off another year of Oasis Fellowship meetings.  With many of our volunteers in workplace transitions this year, we have chosen to suspend meetings for the 2015-16 academic year.  Please know that we are not ending Oasis fellowship.  Rather, the year will be used to review, renew and expand our volunteer group and to structure our efforts so that Oasis meetings can continue.  The first five years have been blessed by God and successful through the ad hoc service of our volunteer group.  To continue into the future, the volunteer group that makes Oasis happen needs to develop a more formal structure that allows it to be self-sustaining and to transcend a single group of people.  We want the Oasis Fellowship gatherings to continue to be a blessing to faculty, staff and students far into the future. 

So, we ask for your prayers and support over the coming year.  Specifically, please pray for wisdom for the current volunteers as we plan for the future.  Pray for the Lord to move in the hearts of additional faculty and staff to help continue this ministry into the future.  If you have found the Oasis gatherings to be a blessing, please consider taking a more active role in making the meeting happen into the future. 

The Oasis volunteers will continue to meet the first Wednesday of each month from 12 to 1 pm in room 330E Burruss.  If you would like to learn more about our plans and/or to join as a volunteer we invite you to join us.  If you have suggestions for ways that the Oasis gatherings might improve we would welcome your input.


The Oasis Volunteers

Monday, March 23, 2015

April 15th Speaker - Minnis Ridenour

Oasis Fellowship would like to announce that the speaker for the April 15th meeting will be Mr. Minnis Ridenour.  Mr. Ridenour’s career at Virginia Tech spans three decades, beginning in 1974 as the university’s Budget Director and Chief Business Officer, later serving as Vice President for Finance until his promotion in 1987 as Executive Vice President.  In 2001, he was promoted to Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer and served in this role until his retirement in 2005.  Minnis has remained affiliated with Virginia Tech as Senior Fellow for Resource Development and as an Affiliated Faculty member in SPIA.

Since his retirement, Minnis and his wife, Louise, have been involved as volunteers with mission projects in the local community as well as internationally where they are leading an effort to develop programs in theological education to prepare pastors and church leaders for the United Methodist Church in the post-communist countries of Europe and the Balkans.  In addition, Minnis and Louise have devoted time to programs which assist families at risk and street children in Kiev, Ukraine.
Come on out and enjoy the fellowship, worship, and message that will be based on our theme, “His Hands, Our Hands.”